Event Security Guard Services for Quinceaneras

It’s the day your daughter becomes an adult. She’s turning 15 and your expecting a guest list of over 200 people. If people begin acting out of control, you can rest easy knowing that Security Base Group’s security officers will calm them down and make sure the day stays focused on your daughter and her coming of age.

If you’re hosting a quinceanera, you may have the following common security questions:

  • What type of security guards do I need?
  • How many guards should I get?
  • What time should I have the security show up?
  • How much does does security cost?

Call us at 844-999-9928 and we’ll provide you with all the answers!

Our security guards will:

  • Allow only authorized guests to enter the venue
  • Patrol the event venue and parking garages
  • Monitor the gifts and gift tables

Click event security guards to see what other event security services we offer. Click here to see what general security guard services in Los Angeles we offer.



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