What security guards can and can’t do

Are you concerned about the safety of your workforce and customers? Will your company be secure if you don’t take the necessary precautions? If you answered no, then there’s no need to worry; all you need to do is act wisely and quickly to ensure the degree of security your company requires. Your company’s vulnerability to danger can be removed by employing an armed or unarmed security guard in Los Angeles. Hiring security guards may help keep your business safe in two ways: first, they dissuade potential criminals by being visible, and second, they respond quickly and effectively to any theft or vandalism that may occur.

The public tends to conflate the work of security guards with that of police officers. They are portrayed as influential figures who protect people and property while wearing uniforms and carrying weapons. It is essential to know that security guards are distinct from police officers. Their authority is inferior to that of police officers. Instead, they are trained experts whose actions while on the clock are subject to specific regulations.

Make sure you’re hiring from a reputable security organization if you intend to employ a security guard to defend your business from various types of crimes. Second, you need to be aware of the responsibilities and limitations of security personnel.

What Security Guards Can Do

Hiring security guards is a great approach to ensure your company’s safety. On top of helping to secure the area for the benefit of your clients, staff, and the neighborhood, they can also assist in keeping your items and property safe.

A security guard’s education and authority extend to the following tasks.

1. Eliminate Individuals from a Private Area

Trespassing on private property gives security officers the authority to remove you from the area. Building security guards, event security guards, and construction site security guards all do this as part of their employment.

It is within their authority to contact the authorities if an individual refuses to leave, as it is part of their job description.

2. Execute a Citizen’s Arrest

Security guards have the authority to conduct an arrest in specific situations, but they do not have the authority to pursue further prosecution beyond the arrest itself. They usually make the arrest and then wait for the police to come for the transfer. The authority of security guards is limited to this fundamental arrest.

A security guard’s ability to execute a citizen’s arrest is conditional on the case’s specifics and the company’s regulations.

3. Ask for a Hand-Held Inspection

To get access to some areas, specific safety measures must be observed. One of these safety precautions is to search the area physically. So, as long as you permit them, security personnel can physically search you.

If a security guard suspects stealing, he or she may inspect employees’ bags as they exit the premises, or they may search customers’ bags as they exit the business.

4. Keep Weapons

Armed security guards can stop criminals in their tracks. Not every security guard is armed. Every person permitted to carry a firearm as a security guard must also follow the laws of the state in which they reside.

There are situations where it is not essential to have security personnel who are legally permitted to carry guns. Unarmed guards might be a better and less disturbing option for clients, depending on your company’s demands. Companies that face high-security threats, however, benefit from the added safety that armed guards may offer.

5. Denial of Access

Security personnel also can accomplish this. For example, security personnel have the authority to refuse admission if you show up to an event without an invitation. Trained security guards possess this skill and may use it to protect your business or event from potential dangers.

Things that guards can’t do

There are numerous things that security guards can do to keep an event or business safe, but they aren’t perfect. Since they are not police officers, they are not required to undergo the same extensive training as police officers and cannot lawfully perform the same duties.

You, as a business owner, should only employ security guards who are aware of and able to work within their assigned boundaries. In this manner, you can never escape legal consequences for an error.

As part of our partnership with Security Base Group, we train our security professionals on the ins and outs of their roles, including when to delegate tasks to others.

1. Search an Individual Without Their Consent

Security personnel can examine individuals’ belongings, but they cannot search bags without authorization. Even if someone declines their request to be searched, they will not be able to proceed forward.

2. Apply Force Without Restraint

No security officer has the authority to use excessive force against any individual. Although they are capable of using force in self-defense, professional security guards always use care and sound judgment.

Our trained security guards are aware of this responsibility and act by the established code of conduct.

3. Hold Individuals in Indefinitely

Security personnel are not obligated to hold anyone without due process. Such rights do not accrue to them. We have trained security guards whose job it is to contact the police if the circumstance calls for their detention.

4. Pull Someone Over

Beyond the confines of the establishment or property they are employed to safeguard, security guards do not possess much power. Thus, security officers can only walk the perimeter of a parking lot or garage, ask passers-by questions, and hold them without using force; they cannot, however, pull anybody over or arrest them. They are only authorized to monitor the property or entrances and cannot conduct traffic stops elsewhere.

Last remarks

When it comes to keeping people and their property safe from harm and avoiding criminal behavior, security guards are indispensable. Additionally, they safeguard companies from both inside and outside thefts while closely monitoring any unusual behavior in their region.

While on the job, the guards must also adhere to specific legal restrictions. They ought to refrain from using excessive force and honor the rights of others. In addition to avoiding using weapons without proper training, they must also stand up against racism and other forms of prejudice. Also, they shouldn’t pretend to be cops.

The guards’ ability to carry out their jobs effectively and avoid legal issues depends on their adherence to these rules. Due to these restrictions, the public knows what to expect from guards, and the guards, in turn, are expected to adhere to them.


What are some things that security guards should not do?

Guards are not authorized to conduct arrests (unless in cases of citizen’s arrests), carry weapons unless they have the proper certification, search individuals without their agreement, use excessive force, or hold them without charge for an indefinite period.

Can you tell me the limits of a security guard’s duties?

The scope of a security guard’s legal power varies by jurisdiction, company, and job title. The majority of guards have the same legal rights as every citizen. Still, some have additional authority bestowed upon them by local government agencies, and even some with equivalent police authority.

Are security officers capable of using force?

If they feel threatened or need to defend themselves or others under their authority, security guards are capable of doing so. Nevertheless, they ought to exercise justifiable force that is commensurate with the gravity of the danger they confront. Guards are required to contact the authorities if the situation has become dangerously dangerous.

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