The Benefits of Hiring a Security Guard for Your Company

Best Security Guard Company

When considering hiring a security guard for the first time, many business owners often prioritize physical attributes such as size and intimidation. However, the true value lies in skilled and qualified security guards who possess the knowledge and expertise to navigate serious situations effectively, while their presence acts as a deterrent to potential criminals.

Unfortunately, not all business owners take the time to understand the capabilities of security guards and how they can contribute to a company’s protection. Partnering with a reputable security guard company, such as Security Base Group, is essential to ensure your safety.

What Can a Security Guard Do?

While there are no federal regulations governing the actions of security personnel, each state sets its own guidelines. For example, in Los Angeles, security guards are required to obtain a license and undergo training to understand their rights and responsibilities. Hiring security guards with the necessary licenses and credentials is crucial to mitigate security risks.

Here are some general abilities possessed by security guards:

  1. Detaining Suspects: Security guards have the authority to detain suspects until law enforcement arrives, particularly if they witness a felony. However, all actions must be carried out in a reasonable manner and within legal boundaries.
  2. Armed Security: Commissioned guards, who undergo rigorous training and examination, are permitted to carry firearms while on duty. The decision to hire armed or unarmed security guards depends on factors such as the nature of the business and its location.
  3. Performing Searches: Security guards have the authority to conduct searches on private property, such as customers’ bags, to prevent theft and ensure safety. This is particularly common in retail establishments and serves as a deterrent to shoplifting.
  4. Removing Trespassers: Security guards can request individuals to leave a property and use reasonable force if necessary to enforce this request. They play a crucial role in maintaining order and preventing property damage, especially in venues with large crowds.

Roles of Security Guards:

  • Front of House and Patrols: Security guards monitor large offices or buildings to prevent intrusions and secure the premises. Randomized patrols and surveillance techniques are used to enhance security.
  • Special Events: Skilled security personnel are essential for large-scale events to ensure the safety of attendees and prevent unauthorized access.
  • VIP Protection: Security guards with extensive experience provide personal protection to high-profile individuals, requiring advanced training and discretion.
  • Fraud Prevention and Loss: Security guards with law enforcement experience investigate incidents of theft or fraud discreetly, collaborating with businesses to implement effective solutions.
  • Specialized Training: Security guards receive specialized training to handle various security crises, including evacuation protocols and emergency communications.

Responsibility and Professionalism:

When selecting a security provider, prioritize companies that prioritize respect, accountability, and professionalism among their guards. Thorough background checks and rigorous training ensure that security guards are capable of handling their responsibilities effectively.

Make an Appointment:

Arrange a meeting with experienced consultants to develop a comprehensive security policy tailored to your company’s needs. Security Base Group offers free risk assessments and expert advice to help you create the best security strategy.


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